Saturday, December 20, 2008

Time President Obama or Fleeced

Time President Obama: The Path to the White House

Author: Adi Ignatius

Barack Obama's path from Hawaii to Indonesia to the White House represents one of the most unlikely and fascinating journeys in U.S. political history. With this special publication that is sure to become an instant collector's item, TIME will mark Obama's rise with an illustrated 96-page book. TIME Obama will contain original TIME magazine reporting and analysis from the magazine's political experts. The book will showcase the unrivaled, intimate behind-the-scenes photography of campaign photographer Callie Shell, who has been visually documenting Obama's journey since he began his run for President. And it will provide readers with a colorful and concise account of how Obama rose to power - from his early days to his Chicago years to the moment when he became a political phenomenon.

Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want To Kill Talk Radio, The Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That Help Iran, And Washington Lobbyists For Foreign Governments Are Scamming Us...And What To Do About It

Author: Dick Morris

Here are the facts:

The United States has released 425 terrorists from GuantŠ±namo, at least 50 of whom have returned to the battlefield to fight our troops.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both say they're fiscally responsible. But each has called for $1 trillion in tax increases over the next ten years--and dressed them up as tax cuts!

Mainstream Media has been given marching orders from the Society of Professional Journalists: never refer to "Islamic terrorists" or "Muslim terrorists." And they are obeying! Whenever our brave agents disrupt a terror plot, The media dismisses the culprits as a gang of idiots—lulling us into a false sense of security.

If the liberals win the 2008 election, they will cripple talk radio--forcing stations to give equal time to left-wing programs, and insisting that liberals play a key role in station management.

Up to a quarter of all state pension funds in the United States are invested in companies that are helping Iran, Syria, North Korea, or the Sudan--for a total of nearly $200 billion.

The Do-Nothing Congress is still doing nothing--and the worst offenders are the presidential candidates Clinton, Obama, and McCain, who never show up for their day jobs as senators . . . except to pick up their $165,000 paycheck!

Is it any wonder that Americans feel fleeced at every turn?

As more and more critical problems develop that need national attention, the White House and Congress appear to be AWOL.

Who's calling the shots instead?

Big business, big government, big labor, and big lobbyists. And their self-serving agendas are doing nothing to help the ever-increasing number of American people who are losing their homes, paying credit card interest rates higher than 25 percent, and finding their jobs increasingly outsourced to foreign countries.

In this hard-hitting call to arms, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann reveal the hundreds of ways American tax-payers are routinely fleeced--by our own government; by foreign countries like Dubai that are gobbling up American interests and spending millions to influence government decisions and American public opinion; by Washington lobbying firms that are pushing the agendas of corrupt foreign dictators on Capitol Hill; and by hedge-fund billionaires collecting huge tax breaks courtesy of the IRS.

With their characteristic blend of sharp analysis and insider insight, Morris and McGann call offenders of all kinds on the carpet--and offer practical agendas we all can follow to help turn the tide.

Table of Contents:

Introduction 1

1 President Obama: What Would He Do? 13

2 How the Liberal Media Downplay Terrorism 45

3 The Liberals' Secret Plan to Muzzle Talk Radio 77

4 The Do-Nothing Congress Is Still Doing Nothing! House Democrats Scale Back the Congressional Workweek - It's Too Burdensome! 87

5 Foreign Companies and American Pension Funds that Help Iran Build the Bomb 103

6 The New Lobbyists: Peddling the Agendas of Foreign Governments, Oppressive Dictators, and Foreign Corporations to the U.S. Government and the American Public 117

7 The Dubai-ing of America 151

8 The Plastic Fleece: Credit Card Company Abuse 163

9 Teachers Are Leaving the Profession - Too Much Stress, Too Little Pay 177

10 Released from Guantanamo, They Kill Again 191

11 How Hedge Fund Billionaires Live Off Tax Breaks 203

12 How the Teachers' Union Rips Off Its Members 211

13 Re-rebuilding Luxury Second Homes in Flood Areas Again and Again - at Our Expense 225

14 The Subprime Loan Crisis; Why the Greedy Are Going Free 237

15 How Halliburton Rips Off the Pentagon: While Some Fight for Freedom, Others Use War to Get Rich 257

16 Blocking Toys That Poison Children from Being Sold in America and Being Made in China 269

17 How the Company Bill Clinton Works for Fleeces the Vulnerable Elderly 285

18 From Movie Lights to Lighting Up: How Films Induce Teens to Smoke 291

Notes 311

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